Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Award for worst theatre etiquette goes to...

After experiencing texting tweeners, ringing cell phones, snackers (can you really not go 2 hours without stuffing your fat faces, people?) and bad hygiene, I was sure I had seen and smelled it all at the theatre.  But I guess I was wrong.

Today's award for worst theatre etiquette goes to the twenty something hipster at the urinal next to me at the Public Theatre (I was seeing Giant) who, for the length of his 30-second pee, could not pry his eyes away from his smartphone.  He literally whipped it out (his wee wee and his phone), let it hang and drain and then proceeded to check his email.  Or perhaps to live blog?  No matter, there are some things not meant for multi-tasking. 

I do hope he washed his hands and wiped down his phone after.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"