Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Neverending rehearsals

My apartment is a pigsty, I'm carrying heavy duty American Tourist-ers under my eyes and I've got a severe case of brainal leakage. Between my 9-5, rehearsals for two shows and our benefit concert on Friday, I'm just about ready to step over the ledge.

I'm still only about 80% memorized for Friday, which doesn't bode well considering tomorrow is our first and only rehearsal with the pianist (not to mention our first and final run-through). We're basically winging all the blocking. Good times. As a stress reliever, Trish and I saw "Quarantine" last night. It was mindless good fun. And though I wanted to bitch slap the leading lady for her annoying screaming and hysterics, it was still worth ten bucks. I do think the shaky, hand-held, "you are there" gimmick has run its course. But no matter how stupid, I just can't pass up a good zombie flick.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"