So I’m a little late on this because I’m way behind on my DVR queue. But Cody? What the f*ck? Fine, he’s a great technical dancer and he’s pretty. Really pretty. OK, hot. OK, friggin’ hot. What ev’s - he’s got the personality of a pile of dirt! Once you get past his bulging body parts, he’s just plain boring on stage. And if you ask me, he’s a total closet case. Did you see his girlfriend? She might as well have been a teenage boy. Flat as a board, crew cut and dressed like a men’s Gap ad. She’s obviously his lesbian beard. My only consolation is that Mochi won the video shoot and that Miguel went home empty-handed. Not that I’m happy Miguel was injured, but he’s so damn conceited and doesn’t have the talent to back it up. His solo went nowhere and when performed back-to-back with Mochi, Nick and Cody’s solos, his deficiencies in technique were made even more glaring. He really looked like just some twinky club kid vogue-ing at Splash bar on a Saturday night.
My pick would have been Mochi. I know, it seems like Filipino nepotism, but her solo really was the best. And I wish Nick’s technique was stronger, because he’d be my vote based on personality alone. And he’s really cute for a straighty.
I’m all a twitter this week with the start of So You Think You Can Dance, my fave of the reality talent shows. It’s way better than Idol because the judges actually choose their contestants based on talent. Imagine that. They actually eliminate contestants who lack formal training and technique rather than rewarding untrained “raw” talent. What gall! Unfortunately, no hottie alerts this season. Oh well, I’ll have to watch it based solely on the dancing (insert audible sigh here).
On a side note, the Opera Company’s garage sale fundraiser was this weekend and it was hell. Literally. We made a lot of money, but it almost doesn’t seem like the pay-off is worth the effort and sweat. Lots and lots of sweat. Maybe if it wasn’t 150 degrees out it would have been more bearable. We did have a good time hanging out with the opera kids and parents, but next time, we’ve gotta’ do it when under more humane conditions.
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