Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I heart Kathy Griffin

Yes, she's a total bitch, but that's why I love her. She's also completely honest and I'll take complete honesty over a gaggle of back-stabbing queens any day. Anyway, Trish and I headed back to school last night, to The Producers Guild East's seminar with comedian Kathy Griffin and the producers of her Emmy award-winning series, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List at NYU's Cantor film center downtown. The price was right, free, and we didn't really have anything else planned. Sorry, Kathy, if I had been offered free drinks at happy hour someplace, you'd have had two empty seats at your seminar. The funny part of the event was that it only reinforced how "D-list" Kathy really is. While Trish was in the lobby bathroom - aka Kathy's dressing room - Kathy and her producers were discussing the format of the evening and freshening up. Yes, NYU couldn't give Kathy a room somewhere, but banished her to the public restroom. Trish had to push her way past Kathy and her producers, between the stall and the sink in the tiny bathroom, to wash her hands during Kathy's prep meeting! Totally D-list! Anyway, she was extremely cool, and down to earth. It was nice to see that she really is as spontaneous and funny in person as she is on her show and that it's just not good editing.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"