Monday, November 7, 2011

Christmas in November

Oh, sweet Jesus on a biscuit, I've seen it - my first holiday-themed TV commercial of the season.  Really?  In the first week of November?  I'm still figuring out what to do with the four pounds of half-priced Halloween candy I impulse purchased at Duane Reade the other day.

Spooky Halloween Tree

Sorry, but there should be a law banning Christmas-themed promotion until at earliest, the day after Thanksgiving.  Has America's attention-span-deficient, multitasking-obsessed culture led marketing exec's to mirror our twitter feeds and facebook updates by incessantly running holiday promotions over a two month period? 

Seriously, is there anyone in America over the age of eight who does not know when Christmas is?  It's the only Birthday - besides my own - I don't need to set an Outlook reminder for.  It's not as if the date catches anyone by surprise - unlike my entire family (parent's included) who, three or four years ago, completely forgot my birthday.  I'm still in therapy over it.  Not really. 

I love the Holiday Shops at Bryant Park, but they opened their season on October 27th!  Are we now starting to lump Halloween into the "Holiday Season"?  If so, perhaps we can now put up our Holiday trees in October and just change out the decorations every month or so.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"