Monday, November 1, 2010

The countdown begins...

How’s this for comedy? - Friday night’s final dress rehearsal of La Traviata will be the first and only time the full cast will ever run the show together before opening night on Saturday.  I know, hilarious.  I’d be crying if it wasn’t so ridiculous. 

That said, I’m tired, but not as stressed out as usual.  Tonight is the sitzprobe followed by three run-throughs and then (insert bombastic trumpet fanfare here) opening night!  We’re actually in pretty good shape except for a couple of scenes that haven’t gotten much stage time.  I just have to keep reminding myself that in the past there are always at least a few scenes left to block when we hit tech week - not so this time.  We’ve actually hit every scene at least once.  I know, that’s not exactly something to brag about, but I think that’s actually a Pineda record for preparedness.

I cannot even begin to explain the rehearsal schedule nightmare this show turned out to be.  Val, of course, was the one banging her head on the coffee table trying to make everyone’s crazy schedules coalesce.  But it’s a common opera producer’s dilemma - do you hire the tried and true talent so busy flying back and forth from gig to gig that they can barely make rehearsals or do you go with unknown singers and hope to discover the next “big thing.”  Regardless, come Sunday night, I’m sure you can find her washing down prozac appetizers with red wine spritzers at the cast party.

1 comment:

Gerry said...

You've been posting a lot lately. Good luck this weekend!

"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"