Yes, I know I shouldn’t be complaining but this is my blog. Where else can I go for a self-pitying rant?
Like most Pineda trips it was all about the food. I mean, yeah, we (Trish and I) went to the Liberty Bell (above left - looking very serious. This is history, dammit!), took a tour of Independence Hall (above rightt - don't I look excited!?) and all that good shit, but the real historic moment was our cheesesteak taste-off between legendary South Philly rivals, Pat’s and Geno’s. Of course, arriving smack dab in the middle of lunch hour on a beautiful Sunday afternoon may not have been the smartest plan. Lines at both literally wrapped around the block and we waited a good half hour at each spot. For the sake of judging, we shared one sandwich at each location and picked the same toppings - onions and cheese wiz, the traditional Philly cheese of choice. Mmm-mmm (insert obscene oral sound here). The verdict? - Geno’s - their sandwich was just, well, "beefier" (is that even a word?). But maybe that's just the special phlegm sauce (read on, it'll make sense). Unfortunately, since getting back from our trip we discovered through the magic of Yelp that Geno is actually a racist asshole who sometimes spits in your food if you appear to be "not American" - City of Brotherly Love, my ass. Blinded by my food-gasm I missed the "I am mad as hell! I want my country back!" poster prominently displayed at the front counter and on the homepage of their website. Moral? Even assholes can be good cooks. Thankfully, we enjoyed our sandwiches in blissful ignorance.
Between bites of cheesesteak we were also able to check out the Cleopatra exhibit at the Franklin Institute. It's from the same people who are presenting the current King Tut exhibit at the Discovery center in Times Square here in NYC. It's actually a much more interactive exhibit than Tut with tons more articfacts. But we were suffering from a bit of a food hangover so by the the time we had finished, we weren't in much of a mood to browse the rest of the museum. We might have also been a wee bit annoyed that half the regular museum exhibits didn't work. Oh, and frehen up that human heart exhibit already. That thing needs a new coat of paint and a good Febreze-ing.