Or once you find out the extent of the commitment, why do you except the job offer anyway? Am I being unreasonable? Crazy? Both?? Someone please explain this to me because like an idiot, I've actually attended every rehearsal.
But as I get older, I find it more and more difficult to politely keep my complaints and frustrations to myself. If there's such a thing as incontinence of thought, someone get me a value pack of super absorbent adult diapers stat because I've recently developed a unique strain of diarrhea of the mouth I like to call "did-I-say-that-out-loud?" syndrome. You know the saying, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"? If I abided by that particular bon mot I'd literally have nothing left to say.
I already see myself fifteen years down the road pushing a shopping cart down the street and yelling obscenities at people who unknowingly step into my path. I finally understand where they're coming from. And I accept the fact I will likely be a crazy, raving lunatic that people cross the street to avoid.
But back to the original topic at hand...
I'll post my review separately, but it seems the producers over at the St. James Theatre are having trouble filling the house for LOF. It's regularly on TDF (where I got my tickets) and I received an email just last week from the production office offering free tickets to performances through the weekend. It's a major, new Alan (Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty & the Beast, et al) Menken Broadway musical and they're giving tickets away through a mass email? Sounds pretty desperate to me.
I actually enjoyed the show, but apparently I'm in the minority.
I should also give a shout out to the always wonderful Kendra Kassebaum (she plays the lead character's sister) who I worked with on a national tour of Grease! years ago - in another lifetime - back when we didn't all have cell phones or laptops. We whiled away the hours on the tour bus reading actual books - yes, made out of paper - and listening to CDs - you know, those round, silver thingies we now use as coasters.
I shall always fondly remember Kendra and Gaelen Gilliland entertaining the cast on long bus rides with their over-the-back-of-the-seat puppet shows. Oh, how I long for those simpler days of yore.