Monday, June 13, 2011


Oh, the Tonys.  Does anyone except New Yorkers and gay men (despite the opening number disclaimer) even watch?  Though the ratings are always dismal, word is that CBS president, Les Moonves, likes to hang on to them for the "prestige" factor.  The show regularly wins the low-ranking network a few Emmys each year.

Well, if the Tonys hoped to catch any straight viewers this year, their unfortunate scheduling opposite the NBA finals dashed those hopes.  Oh well, maybe next year.  And maybe someday you'll also find me relaxing on a Sunday afternoon with a cold beer and a football game.  Ha.  I couldn't even type that with a "straight" face.  (insert rim shot here).  Some of my telecast highlights and observations:
  • Thank God Brooke Shields is gorgeous.  Though even with her fuck-ups, she's just so darn likeable.
  • Frances McDormand in a jean jacket.  Seriously?  Could she also not find a hair brush? 
  • I'm happy for Nikki M. James, but she should've thought through that bumbleebee story before getting up there.
  • Ellen Barkin is very serious.
  • Daniel Radcliffe is adorable and will sell tickets but I still think the number is over-choreographed. 
  • I'm stumped by Sister Act.  I haven't seen it yet, but the excerpt shown didn't impress me.  Alot of screaming (i.e. high belting) and unintelligible lyrics to an uninteresting melody.  Maybe it needs to be seen in context.
  • Nei Patrick Harris chastising an audience member, "Why are you touching me?" right before a commercial break.  High-larious!
  • NPH and Jackman are just delightful together.  But weird (depressing?) how even the spoofs of classic Broadway showtunes are better than most of the original scores honored this season.
  • I hate to sound like one of those snotty theatre queens, but Sutton is no LuPone (or Merman, for that matter).  I still love her and someone should write the girl a new show quick.
  • What crazy 80's time warp did they pull Martha Walsh out of?  Glad Priscilla got to do a number, but it didn't come off as fun and fabulous as it did in the theatre.  Seemed a bit like just a better-than-average drag show.
  • Did anyone not think Book of Mormon was going to sweep?
And of course, NPH's hilarious Tony rap-up courtesy of Lin-Manuel Miranda (In The Heights).

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"