Thursday, October 30, 2008

Palin ♥'s Rod

I just wanted to post a link to a funny interview on with closeted gay Republican puppet, Rod, from the Broadway show Avenue Q on his long friendship with Sarah Palin. Here is an excerpt: I must say, I’m surprised to think of you and Governor Palin as friends. I mean, what do you even have in common?
Rod: Well, we’re both from Alaska. And we’re both Republicans. And, of course, we both love c*ck.
AE: Excuse me?
Rod: C*ck. We both can’t get enough of it. Like we’ll be out hunting elk together, and I’ll say, “Sarah, honey, you’ve got to c*ck that pistol properly or you’ll bag nary a squirrel.” And she’ll say, “Golly, Rod, you know I’m savin’ that fer later. Cockin’ that pistol’s my favorite part. That and the disembowelin’.”
AE: Are you still in touch with her today?
Rod: Of course! I see her and Todd for dinner all the time, although, for some reason, the kids are never around when she has me over. But anyway, she’ll have me over and get out that special drinking glass she keeps just for me. And we’ll sit at the table, and her pastor will say grace, and it will usually be something really moving that shows how much they worry about me, like, “We thank you God for this food we are about to receive. And please help Sarah’s friend understand how icky his lifestyle choices are. Amen. Oh, and protect us from witches, trolls, and vegans.” Then Sarah will bring out that delicious roasted badger she specializes in and say to me, “Pass the salt, you godless sodomite.” And we’ll all laugh and laugh. Good times, those.


1 comment:

Gerry said...

I agree with the "vegan" comment. Something's not right with those people...

"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"