Friday, August 17, 2012

Peter and the Starcatcher

Peter and the Starcatcher
Brook Atkinson Theatre
Friday, June 20 @ 8pm 

Having already checked out the other three Tony-nominated plays, Trish and I decided to close the loop and check out Peter and the Starcatcher before Trish’s Broadway crush, Christian Borle, jumped ship (pun intended) to start once again collecting his fat, "Smash" checks.  Yes, I’m jealous and bitter.

With all the hype surrounding the production, we were prepared to wet our pants in uncontrollable fits of hysterical laughter.  Maybe we expected too much.  Yes, the production was creative, clever, fun, imaginative and at times, extremely funny.  But I left with pants dry wondering if I had missed something.

I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy myself.  I had a great time and left smiling.  But I just didn’t connect to it the way it seems others have.  Maybe it was the wash of unspecified English accents coupled with the quick line delivery that muddled the opening set-up, or maybe some of the second act chase sequences that seemed to go on just that 30 seconds too long, maybe I was tired that night or maybe I’m just a bitter, jaded old theatre queen.  Who knows?

I do know that I adored the second act mermaid number and much of the creative use of the cast in place of complicated scenery and set changes.  Borle didn’t disappoint either, especially during the second act hand chopping scene.     

Is it possible to be too clever?  The creative moments came so quickly and right on top of each other that I found myself marveling at the staging and not paying attention to the plot or characters.  Perhaps too, the performances have "grown" and blur what may have at one time been more concise and clearly played moments.  Regardless, I just couldn't connect fully to these characters, though I wanted to badly.

Then again, I liked Leap of Faith, so what do I know?

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"