Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jay Leno's an Asshole....

Which I would happily excuse were he the least bit funny. I read about the controversy over last week's Ryan Phillippe/Jay Leno interview but hadn't had the energy to go watch it on Youtube. So I finally tried to look up the clip this morning and surprise, surprise! - "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party" according to Youtube. NBC swept that piece of dog sh*t under the carpet pretty damn quick. I did, however, check out the website My Gayest Look, playwright Jeff Whitty's (book writer and Tony Award winner for Avenue Q) cheeky reaction to the incident. The interview is described on the site:
...Leno Ryan Phillippe, who, early in his career, played a gay character on the daily soap One Life to Live. During the interview, Leno hounded Phillippe, telling him to look into the camera, pretend it was his "gay lover…Billy Bob," who "has just ridden in shirtless from Wyoming" (still milking the Brokeback jokes), and give it his "gayest look."
Phillippe apparently was not amused and threatened to leave the interview. You're my new hero Ryan. My homegirl Kathy Griffin also recounts a horrible Leno interview experience on her pee-in-your-pants-funny reality show, My Life on the D-List. All these stories only re-enforce my opinion that Leno is pretty much an egomaniacal prick. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for racist humour (check out the blog Stuff Asian People Like) IF IT'S FUNNY! Whitty's site asks viewers to send in pictures of their "gayest looks" for Leno - all featuring some form of an extended middle finger. I urge you all to support this site by checking out the HI-larious pics (see two of my favorites below) and writing a letter to NBC if so inclined.

You should know by now not to get the queens angry, Jay! And yes, I can call them "queens" for the same reason blacks can use the n-word. Incidentally, Leno has since made a public statement apologizing for his behavior.

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Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"