Friday, May 13, 2011

Spider-man 2.0 and wedding shenanigans

I'm so excited I could wet myself.  Tomorrow Trish and I are seeing the third preview of the newly "revised" Spider-man.  I know, it pretty much sucked the first time we caught it during its first week of previews (the longest preview period in Broadway history, about 180 performances) way back in December.  But TDF offered tickets to the re-opening about a month ago and I pounced on 'em like a bear at a leather vest convention.  If you didn't get that metaphor, don't worry, it obviously wasn't aimed at you. 

Can a completely new artistic team (director, book writer and choreographer) fix a 70 million dollar musical train wreck in three weeks?  We shall see.  I sort of hope it's amazing, only because I feel bad for that cast.  On the other hand, I do enjoy a venti cup of steaming hot schadenfreude (with a slice of that luscious fat-free banana chocolate chip coffee cake!). 

In the meantime, it's off to the wilds of suburban Jersey for more The Bat rehearsals with the young 'ens. 

Oh, and I almost forgot about Trish's latest exciting news.  One of her best male friends, of whom she's had quite a - how shall I put it? - emotional past, just asked her to be his best (wo)man at his wedding this August.  That's like leaving Charlie Sheen unattended on a beach of crack sand.  No good can come of it! 

I can already picture the ceremony in my mind's one-brow-raised eye - bride on the left, Trish on the right and groom in the middle - awkward.  I suggest the preist cut "If anyone here can show just cause as to why these two may not be joined in Holy Matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace" because he just may get a few "hold up"'s from the congregation.  Can't wait for the big day!

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"