Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Extreme Cheese Factor

Calling all cheese aficionados. Here is the song list for our parents' 40th Anniversary reception show. I think you'll find it sufficiently cheesy, and by that I mean more like canned spray, not a nice aged Gouda.
  1. Love is a Many Splendored Thing
  2. Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life
  3. Happy Together
  4. Hey Jude
  5. Ain't No Mountain
  6. Knock Three Times
  7. Physical
  8. My Hear Will Go On
  9. My Strongest Suite
  10. My Romance
  11. Together

Pretty cheeserific, wouldn't you say? We're doing a scripted "This Is Your Life"-type presentation and each song relates to mom and/or dad or was popular during a significant year of their lives. so family, if you're going to be there, don't you dare record this. If I see us on Youtube I'm suing!

I was in NJ until late last night recording. Therefore, the amount of flubbed notes on the tracks is directly proportionate to the lateness in the evening at which it was recorded. Example: the ending button on Together in no way relates to the key of the preceeding song. It's flat out the wrong chord! C'est la vie. But it was 11:58pm and I had to be at the train station at 12:12am. Anyway, I did make it back to Astoria before 2:00am and managed to somehow get my lazy ass to work by 8:40am. Interesting how motivating a paycheck can be.

Speaking of paychecks, looks like I'm going to become a permanent fixture at Morgan Stanley. I have decided to temporarily take a break from "the biz" to become a corporate bitch. Although even negotiating an offer from "the man" causes me to die just a little bit inside; I will finally, after some 15 odd years of foraging between sofa cushions, sustain a quality of life hovering above bag lady - no disrespect intended toward bag ladies, of course.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"