Thursday, January 17, 2008

Butterfly Men

I'm exhausted and excited because we're two men closer to having a full cast for Madama Butterfly.  Good thing, since we start rehearsals in two weeks!   In another "small world" experience, the first to audition, John Taylor, had heard good things about our company from one of our favorite singers, Michelle Trovato, a sickly talented soprano who was in our fall production of Fledermaus.  The second, Judd Ernster, went to MSM with Val and I and coaches with one of Kam's (our Butterfly) former coaches in Philadelphia.  Luckily, both were in great voice and we happily offered them the Bonze and Commissioner respectively.  Now I think we only have the cousin and the uncle to take care of.  I'm not getting too hopeful since if we ever had a full cast set before any one of our operas, I'd know Armageddon was surely close at hand.

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"