Monday, January 28, 2008


So Trish and I drove back from NJ early yesterday afternoon so we would get home in time to make it into the city to pick up our Next To Normal tickets for the 7:30 PM performance. The good news? - even getting caught in traffic due to a minor fender bender on the highway, we made it home in time. The bad news? - the performance was at 7:00 PM. Major "oops." Unfortunately, I didn't discover my mistake until around 6:40 PM, just a hair too late to make it to the theater on time. Moral of the story: always check your performance times. I ended up eating the expense and ordering 2 more tickets for next week with a discount code.

The evening wasn't a complete wash out though. We ended up renting Transformers, which I somehow missed during its commercial release last year, and 1408, which I held off on due to lukewarm revues. Thoroughly enjoyed both, though 1408 sort of didn't make much sense, but it did have a few good scary moments. Definitely rental-worthy. And did I mention Ben & Jerry's was also involved? That sort of made the whole evening. Oh well. Next up - Double Feature at NYC Ballet, a ballet choreographed by Susan Stroman billed as an "homage" to the slient film era. Sounds like a great premise.

I'd also like to take this time to advocate moving show times up to 7:00 PM on weekday evenings. I hate getting home so late and basically having to go right to bed to avoid heavy eye baggage the next morning. The days of all-nighters - and even a weekday happy hour beer - are over for this old bitch. As I had mentioned to my good friend Chris the other day, I can see my 40's running toward me and it ain't pretty. Hell, I was helping one of Val's students choreograph a two minute theater dance piece for a college audition this weekend (let's not even mention my mini breakdown upon realizing I'm MORE THAN DOUBLE her age!) and I can barely walk today. To hell with aging gracefully - I will go kicking and screaming and with minor non-invasive cosmetic surgery if need be!

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"I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing thana hundred people's ninth favorite thing."

Jeff Bowen, Lyrics "[Title of Show]"